Account user

  Khmelnytskyi city
Ukraine Skype: gensvityaz  


Dependence of return on investment, on the amount of investor's contribution

All project calculations are carried out in Euro (EUR). The basis for choosing a currency is:

- testing of available technologies was carried out in Ukraine and Europe;

- test sales were made in Ukraine and Europe. The average test ROI in Ukraine was 876% / year. The average test ROI in Europe was 1142% / year;

- The main currency is the Euro (EUR). Open currency account in a bank BNP PariBas Group, makes it possible to accept and convert various currencies into the project’s estimated currency;

Depending on the financial contribution of the investor, the following monetary and temporary policy of the project is adopted:

Financing Category Project Financing, EUR Years* ROI 1, %** ROI 2, %**
Minimum Maximum
Atom, public contract, card account, UAH 5 100 1 - 0,5
"Sotnya", agreement, bank account, investor certificate, UAN, EUR, multicurrency BNP PariBas Group 101 1'000'000 3 15 5
"Club", agreement, bank account, investor certificate, coin, club card, UAN, EUR, multicurrency BNP PariBas Group 1'000'001 10'000'000 7 30 60
VIP, agreement, bank account, investor certificate, coin, club card, UAN, EUR, multicurrency BNP PariBas Group 10'000'001 2'000'000'000 15 45 70

 * - Number of years taken into account for ROI 2.

** -  ROI 1 is applied until the investor's deposit is doubled back. ROI 2 applies for the full, indicated number of years.